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The latest on SEL & wellness
Education news, tips, & resources for November
Learning and Leading Professional Learning News, November 2020 Edition: SEL and Wellness
Welcome to the November 2020 edition of Learning and Leading.
In this month’s edition, we are focusing on Social-Emotional Learning and Wellness. In Canada, all our provinces and territories have prioritized system wellness and well-being as a key component to student success over the past five years.

In addition to our existing wellness initiatives, 2020 has presented new challenges for everyone, with increased stress on our students, educators, and all those working in Canadian schools. From the sudden shift to remote learning in the spring, to ensuring a safe return to class this fall, the uncertainty of it all continues to take a toll on the wellness of students, parents, teachers, support staff, and administrators.

Within this month’s newsletter, we provide some helpful tools and strategies to address the needs of your students, but also the needs of you as an educator as you navigate the challenges of the 2020–21 school year. We hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter, and thank you for all you do to support our students.
—Solution Tree Education Canada

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New and Best-selling Books
Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader
By Timothy D. Kanold
Use this resource to reflect on your professional journey, increase efficacy, and foster productive, heart-centered classrooms and schools.
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180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators
180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators
By Tina H. Boogren
Access 36 weeks of self-care strategies and techniques, each corresponding with a week of the school year.
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Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness Practices
Cultivating Heart Centered Communities Where Students Focus and Flourish
By Christine Mason, Michele M. Rivers Murphy, and Yvette Jackson
Based on the latest neuroscience research, Mindfulness Practices details how to use mindfulness to transform the way educators teach and students learn.
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Take Time for You
Take Time for You
Self-Care Action Plans for Educators
By Tina H. Boogren
Discover a range of thoughtful strategies, self-care surveys, and reflection questions that will guide you in developing an individualized self-care plan.
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Mindful School Communities
Mindful School Communities
The Five Cs of Nurturing Heart Centered Learning
By Christine Mason, Michele M. Rivers Murphy, & Yvette Jackson
Develop a new system of schooling that fosters consciousness, compassion, confidence, courage, and community.
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Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment in Your Classroom
Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment in Your Classroom
By Tom Hierck
Create a positive classroom learning environment by establishing clearer expectations, enhancing instruction and assessment, and fostering quality relationships with students.
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Riding the Wave
Riding the Wave
Teacher Strategies for Navigating Change and Strengthening Key Relationships
By Jeremy S. Adams
Deftly navigate the constant cycles of change and truly thrive in the classroom with the support of this actionable resource.
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Fulfilling the Promise of Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader
By Timothy D. Kanold
A long-awaited companion to the wildly popular HEART!, SOUL! empowers educators take another giant leap toward fulfilling their professional promise.
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Professional Development Opportunities
Featured Solution Tree Expert
Tina H. Boogren, PhD
Tina H. Boogren, PhD is a fierce advocate for educators, particularly for their well-being. She is the author of numerous books centered around her passion areas of instruction, coaching, mentoring, and wellness.
Learn with Tina H. Boogren »
On-Site & Online PD
On-Site and Online PD
Choose to bring our experts on site or connect with them virtually to receive custom guidance as you work to cultivate a supportive learning environment and foster the well-being of yourself and your students.
Learn more »
Upcoming Events
Facing the Future: Teaching In and Out of the Classroom Portable Event Package
Wellness Institute: Achieving Healthy School Communities
Richmond (Vancouver), British Columbia
April 19–20, 2021
Join us for a two-day event focused on supporting and sustaining wellness schoolwide. Sessions will focus on the well-being of school staff, students, and the greater school community.
Register today »
Social Emotional Learning from a Distance Toolkit
Social-Emotional Learning from a Distance Toolkit
With John Hannigan and Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan
Attend this expert-led, virtual session to gain tools and best practices for social-emotional learning (SEL) that you can implement immediately in your remote classroom.
Register today »
New Webinar: Attend to Your Well-Being: How Educators Can Avoid Mental, Physical and Emotional Exhaustion
Attend to Your Well-Being: How Educators Can Avoid Mental, Physical, and Emotional Exhaustion
In this engaging webinar, Tina H. Boogren and Timothy D. Kanold share practical strategies to avoid exhaustion and burnout and give you the courage and permission to attend to a more balanced, joyful professional life.
Register today »
free resources
Free Chapter
Free chapter
Access a free chapter from 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators to explore activities related to your most basic physiological needs that will help you feel energized and truly alive.
Download chapter »
Free Reproducible
Free reproducible
Packed with self-care ideas, this free reproducible from 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators will help you manage stress and thrive inside and outside of the classroom on a daily basis.
Download reproducible »
Solution Tree Blog
Solution Tree blog
Morgane Michael
“Overwhelmed in 2020: Small Steps Towards Educator Replenishment”
By Morgane Michael

Read the blog post »
Free Webinars
Strength in Numbers: Social-Emotional Learning & Math
With Alex Kajitani
Strength in Numbers: Social Emotional Learning & Math with Alex Kajitani
Prepare your students to succeed in mathematics by helping them cultivate six critical SEL skills—from thinking critically to managing stress.
Watch now »
Heart & Soul: Growing a Strong, Compassionate, and Well-Balanced Professional Life
With Timothy D. Kanold
Heart & Soul: Growing A Strong, Compassionate and Well-Balanced Professional Life
During this webinar, Dr. Timothy D. Kanold will take you on a high-energy, inspiring, and reflective examination for how to stay balanced and fulfilled in your professional life.
Watch now »
Additional Reading & Listening
Magazine Article
Magazine Article: Principal Health and Well-being: Time to Move Beyond Self-care
British Columbia Principals and Vice-Principals Association Magazine
“Principal Health and Well-being: Time to Move Beyond Self-care”
by Gail Markin & Dr. Fei Wang
Much research has shed light on principals’ intensified work and its impact on their health and well-being. The pandemic has undoubtedly further exacerbated the situation. Many principals are relying on…
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KindSight 101 Podcast
KindSight 101 Podcast
with Morgane Michael
Tune in to the KindSight 101 the podcast, where you’ll hear from world renowned educational leaders about the mobilizing power of kindness.
Listen now »
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Mission, BC V2V 4J4

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