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Nick Resnick

Nick Resnick is a K–12 education specialist, focusing his work on mathematics, school improvement, assessment, intervention, and PLCs. Previously, he served as a secondary mathematics teacher, K–12 mathematics specialist, and school site administrator.

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Nick Resnick

Nick Resnick is a K–12 education specialist, focusing his work on mathematics, school improvement, assessment, intervention, and professional learning communities. Previously, he served as a secondary mathematics teacher, K–12 mathematics specialist, and school site administrator.

Nick has worked with more than 30 school systems on their mathematics implementation. In addition, his unique approach to building school leader capacity around PLCs has led to impressive results for Title I school systems. While an instructional coach in Oakland Unified, he designed a middle school math curriculum that resulted in hundreds of students passing algebra the first time around, ensuring this critical course was not a gatekeeper for high school graduation.

A longtime member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, Nick is a consistent presence at mathematics conferences, sharing the practical outcomes of his work with district leaders. He is also an alumnus of two renowned educator pipeline programs, Teach for America and New Leaders for New Schools.

Nick earned a bachelor of science in business from the University of Maryland in College Park and a master of education from Alliant International University in San Francisco, California, specifically studying the impact of teacher expectations in mathematics classrooms on the achievement of African American boys.

Mathematics at Work™

Mathematics at Work™ experts are practitioners with deep expertise in research-affirmed mathematics instruction and assessment processes that ensure improved student learning. Work with them to develop a collaborative teacher culture focused on engaging instruction and formative feedback assessment practices.

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Presentations by Nick Resnick

  • Leadership Series on Improvement Science: Root Cause Identification and Action Planning
  • What Is Your Vision for Instruction and Assessment Across Your System?
  • Every Day, Every Class: Systematic Formative Assessment Across a System
  • Leveraging the 8 Mathematical Routines to Encourage Student Discourse
  • Transform Teams: Data-Driven Instruction at the PLC Level
  • Using Lesson Study to Transform Instruction Across a Grade Level
  • “Do You Know It When You See It?” Supporting Principals in Common Core Mathematics Implementation
  • Alternative Professional Development Structures for Teachers and Leaders to Cohere a System