Nikki Roorda
Nicole Roorda, EdD, is the interim superintendent for the Johnston Community School District in Iowa. She has extensive experience with K–12 students and teachers and brings a joy of learning to the workshops she conducts.
Nikki Roorda
Nicole Roorda, EdD, is the interim superintendent for the Johnston Community School District in Iowa and has previously served as a classroom teacher, administrator, and college instructor during the course of her educational career. She has experience with K–12 students and teachers and brings a joy of teaching and learning to the workshops she conducts.
Dr. Roorda has facilitated the development and implementation of standards-based grading and reporting systems in both public and private schools and has been a leader for change in assessment, co-teaching, multitiered system of supports, and special education practices both nationally and internationally. In her current position as the interim superintendent in Johnston, Iowa, she works with building- and district-level administrators and teachers to improve outcomes for students in both general and special education.
Dr. Roorda has a bachelor’s degree in pre-med sciences with an elementary education certificate from Central College in Pella, Iowa; a master’s degree in teaching and learning from Regis University in Denver; and a doctorate in administrator leadership in teaching and learning from Walden University in Minneapolis.
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