Barbara Moss
Barbara Moss, PhD, is a professor at San Diego State University, where she teaches courses at the credential and master’s levels. She has worked as a teacher at every grade level from 1 to 12 over the course of her career.
Barbara Moss
Barbara Moss, PhD, is a professor at San Diego State University, where she teaches courses at the credential and master’s levels. Dr. Moss has worked as an English or reading teacher at every grade level from 1 to 12 over the course of her career. She has also worked as a reading coach for teachers at both the elementary and secondary levels.
Barbara has specific expertise in disciplinary literacy, children’s literature, and students’ reading and writing of informational texts. She has authored and coauthored several books and has published numerous articles in journals including The Reading Teacher, the Journal of Literacy Research, Reading and Writing Quarterly, and The California Reader.
Dr. Moss earned her bachelor’s degree in English education from The Ohio State University and her master’s and doctoral degrees in curriculum and instruction from Kent State University.
Presentations by Barbara Moss
- Keeping it Real: Teaching Students to Comprehend Informational Texts
- Teaching Students to Read Closely
- Close Reading Success for Every Student
- Research-Based Literacy Instruction in a Standards-Based World
- Independent Reading: Research-Based Practices that Improve Reading Achievement