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Gwendolyn Cartledge

Gwendolyn Cartledge, PhD, is professor emerita at the Ohio State University’s College of Education and Human Ecology. Her professional research and writings have centered on the development of students with and without disabilities, particularly those from diverse backgrounds.

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Gwendolyn Cartledge

Gwendolyn Cartledge, PhD, is professor emerita at the Ohio State University’s College of Education and Human Ecology. Her professional research and writings have centered on the social, emotional, and academic development of students with and without disabilities, particularly those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She began her career as a preschool and elementary public school teacher, then focused on youth with learning and behavior disorders, but she taught most extensively in higher education.

Her research and writings span over 100 publications, including five books and four curricula on social-emotional learning and special student populations. In addition to her university teaching and mentoring of dissertation and thesis students, Dr. Cartledge has made more than 180 state, national, and international professional presentations. She has also conducted numerous local in-service and professional development sessions for teachers on students’ social, emotional, and literacy development. Over the course of her career, Dr. Cartledge belonged to nine professional organizations, and she continues to maintain membership and affiliation with the Council for Exceptional Children and the American Educational Research Association.

Among her various awards, Dr. Cartledge was recognized for leadership and distinguished service by her state professional organization and received the Ohio State University’s Distinguished Teaching Award, the Ohio State University’s 2006 Educator of the Year Award, the Ohio Council for Exceptional Children Educator of the Year Award, and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Pittsburgh. Women in Behavior Analysis will recognize her at its annual meeting in 2022 for her contributions to the field.

Dr. Cartledge received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and a doctorate in education from the Ohio State University.

Presentations by Gwendolyn Cartledge

  • Social Competence and the Diverse Classroom: Employing Culturally Diverse Children’s Literature
  • Culturally Relevant Literature: Building Literacy, Social, and Personal Skills
  • Culturally Relevant Literature: What Matters Most to Primary-Aged Urban Learners
  • Effects of Culturally Relevant Materials on the Reading Performance of Second-Grade African Americans with Reading/Special Education Risk
  • Making Inclusion Work: Culturally Responsive Practices in Inclusive Environments
  • A Culturally Responsive Reading Fluency Intervention for African American Urban Students at Risk for Reading Failure
  • Pursuing Educational Justice for Diverse Exceptional Learners through a Cultural Lens: Implications for Interventions
  • Culturally Responsive Social Skill Interventions for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Students
  • Quality of Life: Promoting Social Skills for Inclusion of Students with Disabilities