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Jason Williams

Jason Williams, EdD, is a consultant who works with schools and districts on improving collaborative practices to increase student growth and achievement using the Professional Learning Communities at Work® process, as well as inclusive practices for students receiving special education services.

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Jason Williams

Jason Williams, EdD, is a consultant who works with schools and districts on improving collaborative practices to increase student growth and achievement using the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work® process, as well as inclusive practices for students receiving special education services.

In his experience as a teacher, instructional coach, assistant principal and district administrator in the Chicago suburbs, he designed and led professional learning for K–8 staff to support best teaching practices and district initiatives in all content areas.

Dr. Williams recently completed his doctorate in educational leadership, where he researched multiple teacher factors that impact technology integration practices. He also holds three master’s degrees in curriculum design and education reform from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, literacy education with an emphasis in ELL/bilingual education from Northern Illinois University, and educational leadership from American College of Education. His undergraduate work was completed at Northern Illinois University with a degree in elementary education with middle school endorsements in general science, language arts, physical science, social science, speech/theatre, and theatre/drama.

PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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Beyond Labels

Beyond Labels! experts have proven success in improving outcomes for all students, including those with special needs. Work with them to develop collaborative partnerships in order to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.

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Presentations by Jason Williams

  • Collective Efficacy: A Consequence of Collaborative Culture
  • Learning Walks: A Catalyst to Collaborative Coaching
  • Using Achievement and Growth Data to Inform Instructional Decisions
  • Give Your Students OCD: The Optimum Conditions to Discover
  • Differentiated Practices Using iPads