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Kendra Bell

Kendra Bell, PhD, retired from Peoria Unified School District in Arizona in 2022 after serving as chief academic officer for the district. Throughout her career, Dr. Bell has emphasized the importance of continual improvement through professional learning communities.

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Kendra Bell

Kendra Bell, PhD, retired from Peoria Unified School District in Arizona in 2022 after serving as chief academic officer for the district. Throughout her career, Dr. Bell has emphasized the importance of continual improvement through professional learning communities (PLCs).

Dr. Bell has also served as an associate superintendent in North Kansas City Schools in Missouri. She has taught elementary, middle school and high school. She has been a principal, director of assessment, executive director of school improvement and accountability, a principal coach for priority schools, as well as an instructor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the University of Arizona in Tucson.

She has presented at a variety of state and national conferences and seminars including the Missouri School Boards Association and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Dr. Bell has facilitated professional development workshops focused on priority standards, common formative assessments, use of data for interventions, professional learning teams, and systems for success and mutual accountability for PLCs.

Dr. Bell earned a doctorate in urban leadership and policy studies from the University of Missouri- Kansas City.

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