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Linda Beggs

Linda Beggs has more than 30 years of organizational development experience, specializing in culture, change, and team effectiveness. She collaborates with schools to create a high-trust culture essential to implementing wraparound resource centers.

Linda Beggs

Linda Beggs has more than 30 years of organizational development experience, specializing in culture, change, and team effectiveness. She collaborates with schools to create a high-trust culture essential to implementing wraparound resource centers.

Along with her business partner, Leigh Colburn, Linda coauthored The Wraparound Guide, a how-to handbook for helping students overcome barriers to wellness and learning.

Linda’s experience includes working with corporate, government, education, and nonprofit educations. She is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) assessment.

Linda is active in her community, having served on various boards and committees, including the Marietta College & Career Academy Steering Committee, Mentoring for Leadership, and liveSAFE Women of Achievement. She is a graduate and past chair of Leadership Cobb, a leadership development program created by the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce (Marietta, Georgia).

Linda is a graduate of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business, where she earned her bachelor of business administration in management science.

She is the cofounder of The Centergy Project, a Georgia-based education company that works with schools planning to offer embedded wraparound services.

Presentations by Linda Beggs

  • 7 Steps to Building Schools and Communities of Hope Through Student Voice, Community Partnerships, and Wraparound Services
  • Unleashing the Transformative Power of Student Voice
  • School Improvement Through a Whole-Child, Whole-School, Whole-Community Approach