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Norene A. Bunt

Norene A. Bunt, EdD, is an author and former teacher, administrator, and college instructor. She is an expert on integrating the science of reading into sound high-impact literacy instruction.

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Norene A. Bunt

Dr. Norene A. Bunt is an author and former teacher, principal, curriculum coordinator, school improvement strategist, and superintendent. She is an expert on best practices in literacy instruction and integrating the science of reading effectively and efficiently to support high levels of learning for all students. Dr. Bunt has more than 15 years of teaching experience and 17 years serving in leadership roles in schools with widely diverse populations of students. Her expertise has been developed through these professional experiences, as well as through action research, classroom observations, and extensive reviews of current research.

Dr. Bunt has a rich background in the facilitation of engaging and practical professional development and has been a presenter at local, state, and regional reading conferences. She has been awarded the Better Boardsmanship from School Administrators of Iowa and served on the School Administrators of Iowa’s new administrator forum and concept design teams.

She has published several journal articles on literacy topics and is the author of a book called Comprehensive Reading Instruction. She has been involved in the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and the International Reading Association (IRA) for many years.

Dr. Bunt earned a master’s degree in elementary education from Northwestern College and a doctorate in educational administration, with an emphasis in curriculum and instruction, from the University of South Dakota. She continues to serve as an adjunct professor, student teaching supervisor, and author.

Presentations by Norene A. Bunt

  • Rethinking Literacy Instruction: Common Practices that Prevent Us from Increasing Student Achievement
  • Research-Driven Reading/ELA Instruction
  • Robust, Evidence-Based Vocabulary Instruction
  • Teacher-Facilitated Oral Reading, Application of Strategies, and Discussion (T.O.A.D.)
  • Using Quality Questioning to Increase Learning
  • Using Effective Questioning and Rich Discussions to Enhance Reading Comprehension
  • Student Learning Conversations
  • Principal’s Role in Curriculum and Instruction
  • The Role of PLCs in MTSS/RTI
  • Using Data to Help All Students Succeed
  • Understanding and Using Assessment Data
  • Student Engagement Strategies for High Levels of Learning
  • Maximizing Academic Learning Time
  • Behavior/Classroom Management: Strategies for Effective Discipline
  • Functional Behavior Assessments and Developing Behavior Plans
  • Equity in Education: Strategies for Diverse Learners
  • Differentiation of Instruction to Support Students with Disabilities