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Parry Graham

Parry Graham, EdD, is principal of Nashoba Regional High School in Massachusetts. During his 20 years in public education, he has been a high school teacher, consultant, and clinical assistant professor.

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Parry Graham

Parry Graham, EdD, is principal of Nashoba Regional High School in Massachusetts. During his 20 years in public education, he has held a variety of roles, including high school teacher, consultant, and clinical assistant professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Graham has also been a school-based administrator at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

An experienced leader in professional learning communities, he consults with numerous schools and districts to turn PLC principles into concrete improvement strategies. He has written articles for the Journal of Staff Development, Research in Middle Level Education Online, Connexions, and TechLearning.

Dr. Graham completed a doctorate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Presentations by Parry Graham

  • How to Build a PLC at Work™
  • Transform Theories of Collaboration Into Highly Effective Practices
  • Stages of Team Development for Teachers and Administrators
  • Common Challenges and Solutions for Developing PLCs