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Randy Ross

Randy Ross has over 50 years of experience as a writer, teacher, administrator, coach, and facilitator of dialogue and professional learning. She has worked with community, school, district, and state education leaders for nearly 30 years.

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Randy Ross

Randy Ross has over 50 years of experience as a writer, teacher, administrator, coach, and facilitator of dialogue and professional learning. For nearly 30 years, she has worked with community, school, district, and state education leaders on equity issues in school climate, social-emotional learning, discipline, interracial dialogue, and anti-bullying policies and practices.

Randy began her career as an early childhood teacher and caseworker in a family day care program in Brooklyn, New York. She began her leadership career as interim director of the Connecticut State Head Start Training Center and taught early childhood education courses at several community colleges. Randy taught middle school, served as a K–5 principal, and worked in the Office of Bias Crime and Community Relations under the New Jersey attorney general. While there, she led interracial dialogue activities and initiated New Jersey Cares About Bullying. She later worked at Brown University’s New England Equity Assistance Center, where she consulted with school districts, state departments of education, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Region 1 Office of Civil Rights.

Randy has published many articles online and in educational publications, including A Teacher’s Resource Guide to the Prudence Crandall Museum, articles on bullying and harassment for the Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence, and “Creating Equitable School Climates” for the NASBE Standard (journal of the National Association of State Boards of Education). After serving on various commissions and nonprofit boards throughout her career, Randy is currently co-chair of the Board of SEL4MA and National Advisor to SEL4US, where she co-facilitates the social-emotional learning and equity community of practice.

Randy earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley and gained a master's degree in educational leadership from Bank Street College of Education in New York City.