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Rebecca Stobaugh

Rebecca Stobaugh, PhD, is a professor at Western Kentucky University. She teaches assessment and unit-planning courses, supervises first-year teachers, and consults with school districts on critical thinking, instructional strategies, assessment, technology integration, and other topics.

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Rebecca Stobaugh

Rebecca Stobaugh, PhD, is a professor at Western Kentucky University, where she teaches assessment and unit-planning courses in the teacher education program. She supervises first-year teachers and consults with school districts on critical thinking, instructional strategies, assessment, technology integration, and other topics. A former middle and high school teacher, she has also served as a middle school principal.

Dr. Stobaugh is the author of 12 books, including 50 Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement, Critical Thinking in the Classroom, Real-World Learning Framework for Elementary Schools, Real-World Learning Framework for Secondary Schools, Assessing Critical Thinking in Middle and High Schools, and Assessing Critical Thinking in Elementary Schools. In 2020, the Independent Publisher awarded 50 Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement a silver medal in the Education Resources book category. She has written numerous articles for peer-reviewed journals, authored several book chapters, and presented at more than 60 national and international conferences. Dr. Stobaugh regularly serves on accreditation teams and writes grants to support K–12 professional development. She is the executive director and former president of Kentucky ASCD. Dr. Stobaugh received the 2004 Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award from the Kentucky Council for Social Studies.

She earned a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown College, a master’s degree from the University of Kentucky, and a PhD in K–12 education leadership from the University of Louisville.

Presentations by Rebecca Stobaugh

  • Increasing the Level of Critical Thinking in Instruction and Assessment
  • Infusing Technology With Critical Thinking
  • Strategies That Boost the Level of Rigor
  • Embracing a New Paradigm of Learning: The Create Framework
  • Increasing the Level of Critical Thinking in Instruction and Assessment
  • Infusing Technology With Critical Thinking