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In Praise of American Educators BESTSELLER

And How They Can Become Even Better

By: Richard DuFour

Foreword by: Robert Eaker

Explore the state of education today, and discover the steps that policymakers, administrators, and teachers must take to transform schools.

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In Praise of American Educators

Explore the state of education today. In this thought-provoking book, the author presents a compelling case for why contemporary American educators are the greatest generation in history. He carefully explains why current national reform policies have failed and presents specific steps policymakers, administrators, and teachers must take to transform American schools to meet student needs in the 21st century.

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Also available as an audiobook.

  • Critique the commonly presented media messages about schooling in America.
  • Consider the evidence for why the present generation of American educators has accomplished more than previous generations.
  • Evaluate the assumptions driving policies set up to improve schooling.
  • Discover the four essential pillars of the PLC foundation.
  • Learn the essential elements of the PLC process and common mistakes in implementing that process.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKF702, EKF310

ISBN: 9781942496571

Published By: Solution Tree

Page Count: 312

“Throughout In Praise of American Educators, DuFour exudes optimism. Not only is his enthusiasm for change infectious, his bold recommendations are backed up by research and facts. This is a success-oriented book that educational professionals and policymakers alike should take to heart.”

Foreword Clarion Reviews (five-star review)

“DuFour's book In Praise of American Educators: And How They Can Become Even Better truly lives up to its title. DuFour has written a comprehensive look at today's educational landscape and addressed some it its most pressing issues. He also offers concrete solutions that can be implemented at any school, the kind of solutions that will make teachers' working lives better while simultaneously improving the education that students will receive.”


“A stop-the-nonsense manifesto from one of the leading education practitioners in the United States. Rick DuFour convincingly shows how current reform strategies blame the victims with baseless and counterproductive measures. In Praise of American Educators then provides the definitive solution. You won't be able to read this book without getting the urge to immediately get down to positive action!”

Michael Fullan, professor emeritus, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

“Had enough teacher bashing? With a mountain of evidence and indisputable logic, Rick DuFour considers the prevailing hypotheses about the ills of American education and knocks them down, one by one. The final sentence of this book says it all: 'The greatest generation of American educators is on hand to take on this challenge.' I would add, 'If only we will let them.' This book is Rick DuFour at his best: calm, deliberate, and incisive. His words will influence educators and educational leaders for decades to come.”

Douglas Reeves, founding partner, Creative Leadership Solutions

“This book pulls together the powerful and decisive arguments that debunk myths of the failure of US schools. It is indispensable for understanding the current political climate and also vital to pointing the way forward. 'Must-read' is overused, but in this case, it is right on!”

Jon Saphier, founder and president, Research for Better Teaching

“As a full-time classroom teacher, I have spent the better part of fifteen years wrestling with failed policies, frustrated by the suggestion that practitioners are to blame for everything that is wrong with American schools and paralyzed waiting for meaningful change that never seems to come. Reading In Praise of American Educators reminded me that change isn't something that I have to hope for. Instead, its something that I can create by working together with my peers in service of student learning.”

William M. Ferriter, sixth-grade teacher, author, blogger, and educational consultant

“With its sharp focus on the facts surrounding the truths about our teaching profession, this book will serve as a catalyst for conversation—both among educators regarding our accomplishments as well as by those planning direction on policies and practices leading to continuous improvement. Rick DuFour rallies a clear call to action for America's teachers to rise to the challenge of making all students successful learners.”

Chris Jakicic, author and educational consultant, former principal and classroom teacher

“Rick DuFour issues a clarion call that both celebrates the greatest generation of teachers and appeals to that distinguished group to push for more—all with the desired outcome of ensuring our students have an opportunity to successfully transition to the next stages of their lives beyond the public school. This book serves as the proverbial mirror and window, allowing educators to reflect on their significant accomplishments while also seeing through to an even brighter future. Our schools and our teachers deserve nothing less.”

Tom Hierck, author and educational consultant, former district and school administrator and classroom teacher

“At once a heartfelt tribute to American educators and an urgent call for them to do more—specifically, to establish the kind of collaborative and reflective professional learning communities that are known to have a positive impact on student learning. This thoughtful, well-researched, and well-argued book is sure to influence and inspire those who read it.”

Harvey Silver, president, Silver Strong & Associates and Thoughtful Education Press

“Rick DuFour crafts an aggressive, cogent defense of public schools and the teachers who serve our kids, effectively debunking most of the reforms intended to fix them and offering solutions for moving forward to a better place in education.”

“DuFour takes on the world—the world of education—debunking myths and challenging quick fixes. He responds to the critical issues facing educators today and offers practical, time-tested, and concrete advice about how to create amazing learning environments for students to thrive. He builds on his past work, extending the scope of Professional Learning Communities at Work to ensure the success of every student.”

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, teacher leaders at Health Sciences High and professors of educational leadership, San Diego State University

“What a rare treasure in these times of declining resources and respect for teachers and school leaders—someone in the position to really know schools is paying tribute to American educators! Unprecedented and so needed. Also rare is a treatise like this one that combines such thorough scholarship with down-to-earth common sense. Rick leaves no challenge to teacher quality unaddressed as he builds his case for their positive impact on schools and student well-being.”

Rick Stiggins, classroom assessment consultant

“Rick DuFour provides an objective and factual analysis of the current state of American education; he separates the facts from the myths. He appeals to all parties involved to place the needs of children at the center of the debate about school improvement and to let go of political jargon and the vilification of educators.”

Anthony Muhammad, CEO, New Frontier 21

“A must-read for anyone who cares about the future of our country, our schools, and our children. Rick DuFour delivers an honest assessment of where schools are today, explains why our reform efforts thus far have failed, and shows us the way forward toward measurably better schools. The clearest, most coherent piece on public education written in the last decade.”

Thomas Many, author and educational consultant

“This is a book only Rick DuFour could have written. It is panoramic in perspective, yet laser-focused in terms of message. It tells us what we have done well and on what we need to improve in a style and level of honesty that is characteristic of Rick's large body of work and the manner in which he lives his life. We all need to take Rick's message to heart.”

Robert J. Marzano, CAO, Marzano Research

“Dr. Richard DuFour's In Praise of American Educators takes a surprisingly fresh approach to the traditional education blame game by spending the first four to five chapters talking about what schools and namely schoolteachers are doing right in America's public education system. DuFour makes the argument that today's educators are the greatest generation of educators that our country has seen.”

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