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Canadian Authors

Martin Brokenleg

Martin Brokenleg

Martin Brokenleg, EdD, is professor emeritus of Native American Studies at Augustana University. Dr. Brokenleg has provided training and consultation throughout North America and abroad, including work with Indigenous peoples from many nations. He is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

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Charlie Coleman

Charlie Coleman

Charlie Coleman has been a principal at the high school, middle school, and elementary school levels in ethnically and socioeconomically diverse communities.

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Damian Cooper

Damian Cooper

Damian Cooper has specialized in student assessment for more than 20 years. He has been a secondary English, special education, and drama teacher; a department head; a librarian; a school consultant; and a curriculum developer.

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Darlene Crane

Darlene Crane

Darlene Crane is an author, a speaker, and a consultant with 20 years of experience in education. She is supervisor for instruction for Nanaimo-Ladysmith Public Schools and an instructor at Vancouver Island University.

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Lee Crockett

Lee Crockett

Lee Crockett is an author, speaker, designer, inspirational thinker, and the creative force behind some of the most exciting transformations in education happening worldwide.

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Michael Fullan

Michael Fullan

Michael Fullan, PhD, is former dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. He is recognized as an international authority on educational reform.

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Karen Gazith

Karen Gazith

Karen Gazith, PhD, is dean of academics of Les Écoles Talmud Torah Elementary and Herzliah High School in Montreal, Quebec. She has presented worldwide on topics related to leadership and meeting diverse needs.

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Gayle Gregory

Gayle Gregory

Gayle Gregory, a former teacher, has extensive experience as a staff developer and administrator. She has taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels as well as in university settings.

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Nathaniel Hansford

Nathaniel Hansford

Nathaniel Hansford has taught every grade from preK to 12 in many interesting and diverse locations—from South Korea to the subarctic of Quebec. He specializes in using meta-analysis research to help teachers implement proven methodologies.

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Andy Hargreaves

Andy Hargreaves

Andy Hargreaves is a research professor at Boston College, visiting professor at the University of Ottawa, and holds visiting professorships at Hong Kong University, the University of Stavanger, and Swansea University.

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Tom Hierck

Tom Hierck

Tom Hierck has been an educator since 1983 in a career that has spanned all grade levels. He has been a teacher, an administrator, a district leader, a Department of Education project leader, and an executive director.

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Jasmine K. Kullar

Jasmine Kullar

Jasmine K. Kullar, EdD, is an assistant superintendent for Cobb County School District, the second-largest school district in Georgia. She has expertise in building professional learning communities as well as school leadership.

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Ted McCain

Ted McCain

Ted McCain is an educator with more than 30 years of experience teaching at Maple Ridge Secondary School, in British Columbia, for over thirty years. He is the coordinator of Digital Arts Academy for the Maple Ridge School District in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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Ken O'Connor

Ken O’Connor

Ken O’Connor is an independent consultant specializing in grading and reporting. He has been a staff-development presenter and facilitator in 47 US states, nine provinces and one territory in Canada, and in 25 countries outside North America.

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Karen Power

Karen Power

Karen Power is a consultant and a former teacher, principal, superintendent, and senior advisor for professional learning and leadership. Karen has implemented the PLC process both as a principal and as a superintendent.

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Ainsley B. Rose

Ainsley B. Rose

Ainsley B. Rose is an author, a presenter, and a consultant. An experienced elementary and secondary teacher and principal, he is former director of education for the Western Quebec School Board.

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Tom Schimmer

Tom Schimmer

Tom Schimmer is an author and a speaker with expertise in assessment, grading, leadership, and behavioral support. He is a former district-level leader, school administrator, and teacher.

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Dean Shareski

Dean Shareski

Dean Shareski is the community manager for Discovery Education Canada. He has served as a teacher, digital learning consultant, and university lecturer. In 2010, he won the ISTE Award for Outstanding Leader of the Year.

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Katie White

Katie White

Katie White is a coordinator of learning for the North East School Division in Saskatchewan. Katie has been an integral part of her school division’s multiyear journey through educational reform, including a response to renewed curricula that resulted in a standards (outcomes)-based approach to assessment, learning, and reporting.

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