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From Tired to Inspired

Fresh Strategies to Engage Students in Literacy

By: Mary Kim Schreck

In this Common Core State Standards-aligned book, educators will discover research-based tips and strategies to improve literacy in upper elementary and middle school classrooms.

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From Tired to Inspired

Discover research-based tips and strategies to improve literacy from upper elementary to secondary school classrooms. Teachers, preteachers, and teacher preparation institutions will find this an invaluable resource for helping students master assignments in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as encouraged by the Common Core State Standards. Topics include teaching close reading and writing, engaging students, making literacy instruction meaningful, and more.

Foreword's Book of the Year Awards, Indiefab Winner

  • Engage students in cognitive conversations around speaking, writing, and reading.
  • Transform students into independent thinkers and questioners.
  • Buoy rigorous instruction by embedding it in a supportive, engaging environment.
  • Communicate concepts like narrative, perspective, and metaphor.
  • Encourage and model questioning.
  • Use soft skills and novelty to reach reluctant students.

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InstructionLiteracyStudent Engagement

Additional Information

Product Code: BKF594, EKF201

ISBN: 9781936764372

Published By: Solution Tree

Page Count: 208

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