Travel-Free PD Video series
- The Role of PLCs in Advancing 21st Century Skills
Dr. DuFour explores fundamental characteristics of professional learning communities and demonstrates the link between PLCs and 21st century skills.
$253.50 - On Solid Ground
How PLC Practices Create the Foundation for a Successful Intervention Program
In this breakout session, Mike shows how professional learning community practices provide the foundation for a successful intervention program and offers practical, effective strategies for beginning to build that foundation.
$253.50 - A Practical Look at Response to Intervention
Learn how response to intervention (RTI) systems, combined with a professional learning community foundation, create a powerful system for achieving high levels of learning for all students.
$125.00 - Tiers Without Tears
A Systematic Approach to Implementing RTI in PLC Schools
Dr. Buffum shows you how the big ideas of a PLC are foundationally important when implementing RTI.