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Rebecca Terry

Rebecca Terry served as the early childhood coordinator and instructional specialist in the Pasadena Independent School District for the last 19 years. She worked closely with campus administrators, coaches, and teachers to transform education practices for young learners.

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Rebecca Terry

Rebecca Terry is an early childhood educator with 35 years of experience. She taught kindergarten and first grade and served as a district prekindergarten coach. She spent her last 19 years in public education as an instructional specialist and the early childhood coordinator for the Pasadena Independent School District, a recognized Model PLC at Work® district.

In both of these roles, Rebecca focused on building capacity across the district by working with campus administrators, coaches, early childhood teachers, and teaching assistants to transform education practices for young learners.

Rebecca has extensive experience developing district curriculum and district common formative assessments for young learners while providing district professional development to support teachers, campus administrators, and coaches. She extended her campus support by assisting campus teams in the PLC process to identify essential standards, create standard pacing guides, unwrap essential standards, and create team common formative assessments to ensure students in the early grades master the essential standards.

Rebecca earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education and her early childhood certification from Texas A&M University. She earned her master’s degree in curriculum development, her ESL certification, and her Texas Principal’s certification from the University of St. Thomas.

PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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