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RTI at Work™ Model Agenda

Luis F. Cruz

Putting It All Together: Creating a Multitiered System of Supports—Secondary

Participants in this session learn to create a multitiered intervention system for secondary schools. Based on the guiding principles of RTI at Work, the process includes embedded Tier 1 core support, targeted Tier 2 supplemental help, and intensive Tier 3 interventions.

Luis F. Cruz

Utilizing the Necessary Context to Understand and Embrace the RTI at Work Process

We depend on today’s schools to help all students learn at grade level or higher. But what if schools were never established with that purpose in mind? What if the desire to “go back to normal” after the pandemic is not what schools need to ensure equitable learning for all students?

Nicole M. Dimich

Assessment: Powerful Information to Increase Student Learning

Assessment is a process teams use to analyze student learning and instructional practices to collectively respond to each student’s unique needs. Participants review critical understandings and strategies that collaborative teams use to improve student results, not merely measuring and recording them.

Paula Maeker

All-Inclusive! Collectively Meeting the Diverse Needs of All Learners

The word all by definition does not exclude, so how do we meet the varied, unique, and sometimes intensive needs of learners who are eligible for additional services? If we embrace collective responsibility and the idea that every student is our student, then we need to create systems and structures that ensure success for every scholar we serve. Participants in this session examine past and current realities regarding special education, reflect on practices at each tier of instruction that do and do not support a culture of learning for all, and learn strategies for effective and purposeful collaboration between general and special educators. Designed for both general and special educators, Paula Maeker provides participants with strategies and protocols to examine mindsets and collaborative processes to ensure higher learning levels for all students. No low expectations allowed!

Paula Maeker

Essential Learning: Our Promise of Equity, Purpose, and Practice

The traditional education system was never built to ensure equitable learning outcomes for all students. Suppose we truly embrace the mission of guaranteeing all students learning at high levels. In that case, we have to redesign our approach to teaching and learning and relentlessly focus on what matters most. Teacher teams become architects of intentional outcomes and collaborate to identify essential learning. This guaranteed and viable curriculum ensures access and equity for every student.

Paula Maeker

It’s About Time: Planning Interventions and Extensions in Elementary School

What does an effective elementary school intervention process look like? Paula Maeker offers proven intervention strategies, including creating a schoolwide process that identifies students for extra help and makes time for intervention and extension within the master schedule.

Paula Maeker & Mike Mattos

Putting It All Together: Creating a Multitiered System of Supports—Elementary

Participants learn to create a multitiered system of intervention for elementary schools. Based on the guiding principles of RTI at Work, this process includes embedded Tier 1 core support, targeted Tier 2 supplemental help, and intensive Tier 3 interventions.

Mike Mattos

It’s About Time: Planning Interventions and Extensions in Secondary School

What does an effective secondary school intervention process look like? Mike Mattos offers proven intervention strategies, including creating a schoolwide process that identifies students for extra help and makes time for intervention and extension within the master schedule.

Mike Mattos

Building the Pyramid: How to Create a Highly Effective, Multitiered System of Supports

Mike Mattos and the RTI at Work faculty discuss the essential elements to systematically provide supplemental Tier 2 and intensive Tier 3 interventions for academics and behavior. He shares how to employ teacher teams and support staff to make this work doable.

Mike Mattos

Our Educational Moonshot

In this keynote, Mike Mattos engages all participants in an end-of-unit common assessment. What are the big takeaways from this institute? Which essential elements can you see in practice in your building, and which ones need additional time and support? The session ends with a celebration of our learning together. For in the end, doing the right work really well is our best hope to ensure a promising future for our students and our collective prosperity.