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The right work, done right

Tier 1
All students have access to grade-level/course-specific essential standards

Tier 2
Additional time and support to learn essential academic and behavior standards

Tier 3
Intensive reinforcement in universal skills

Why RTI at Work?

Built upon the PLC at Work® framework, RTI at Work is the best answer we know to Critical Questions 3 and 4. This powerful process uses team structures and puts the focus on learning, collaboration, and results. By implementing proven RTI strategies, your school can begin providing timely, targeted, systematic interventions to every student who demonstrates the need.


Mike Mattos highlights the importance of putting interventions in place now to support students immediately.

Improve your students’ K–12 education with a multitiered system of supports

Unlocking the potential power of RTI requires more than state guidelines, site resources, and dedicated staff. Teacher teams must also ensure a clear understanding of what they expect students to learn—and a deep commitment to making sure every student learns it.

  • A coherent and viable core curriculum that embeds ongoing monitoring for all students.
  • Immediate and targeted interventions systematically applied and monitored for any students not achieving.
  • Intensive interventions focused on closing gaps.

Solution Tree helps leaders:

  • Increase educational achievement by developing and implementing a schoolwide or districtwide system of interventions
  • Create a school leadership team to lead the shift to a culture of collective responsibility
  • Address complex issues such as severe motivation, attendance, and behavior issues, as well as English language proficiency and intense academic struggles
  • Utilize a schoolwide intervention team to monitor the success of the RTI program

Solution Tree helps teachers:

  • Define essential learnings and deliver differentiated instruction
  • Create a toolbox of effective response to intervention strategies and practices
  • Identify students for intervention and determine their unique needs
  • Monitor student progress and revise interventions or extend learning based on progress

Meet the Creators of RTI at Work

Mike Mattos

Mike Mattos

Mike Mattos, an internationally recognized author, presenter, and practitioner, specializes in uniting teachers, administrators, and support staff to transform schools. Mike is a former principal of Marjorie Veeh Elementary School and Pioneer Middle School in California, where he helped create cultures of success, improving learning for all students.

Mike Mattos

Austin Buffum

Austin Buffum, EdD, has 38 years of experience in public schools. His many roles include serving as former senior deputy superintendent of the Capistrano Unified School District in California. Dr. Buffum has delivered presentations and trainings on the RTI at Work model in over 500 schools and districts around the world.

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