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Special Needs Professional Learning

  • DEVELOP collaborative partnerships to close the achievement gap and maximize learning for all
  • TAKE collective responsibility in improving outcomes for students with special needs
  • ENSURE the curriculum maintains appropriate levels of rigor for all students
  • CREATE differentiated interventions for all learners
  • EXPLORE the research-based co-teaching strategies and available resources that allow students to achieve their highest potential

Our On-Site Professional Development for Special Needs

As states adopt more rigorous academic standards, schools must define how special needs fits into standards-aligned curricula, instruction, and assessment. Rely on our experts to provide you with customized guidance as you work to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.


Julie A. Schmidt discusses how ensuring equitable practices has never been more important.

Where are you on your professional learning journey?

Your Goal

Building Your Skills

One‑Day Services

Adapting Instruction for Diverse Populations

Provide effective differentiated instruction to students with varying needs, from disabilities to twice-exceptionality.

  • Learn how to adjust curriculum in ways that maintain appropriate levels of rigor for all students.
  • Consider the importance of collaboration and communication in learning adaptations.

Adapting Unstoppable Learning

Recommended Resource

Your Goal

Deepening Your Skills

Two‑to‑Four‑Day Services

Collaborative and Inclusive Partnerships Between General and Special Educators

Gain inclusion strategies and collaborative practices with the knowledge, resources, and interventions that highlight K−12 learner skill sets.

  • Plan for instructional division of tasks with ongoing reflective collaborative roles and responsibilities.
  • Find and prepare differentiated interventions for particular categories of learners and subjects.
  • Adapt instructional units with evidence-based interventions for core planning, instruction, and assessment in literacy, mathematics, behavior, and across the disciplines.
  • Explore the research-based co-teaching strategies and available resources that allow students to achieve their highest potential within the general education classroom.

Inclusion Strategies and Interventions, Second Edition

Recommended Resource

General and Special Educators Collaborating in a Professional Learning Community

Achieve dramatic results in student learning in both general and special needs classrooms through the framework of a PLC. This service aims to foster collaboration among educators, change instructional practices to improve student results, and discuss the conditions that make special needs services most effective.

  • Use the key ideas and four critical questions of a PLC to maximize learning for all students.
  • Determine priority standards, and study the steps for unpacking these standards into learning targets.
  • Discover what tailored instruction does and does not mean.

Yes We Can

Recommended Resource

Yes We Can! An Unprecedented Opportunity to Improve Special Needs Outcomes Workshops

During this hands-on training designed for school or districtwide teams, general and special educators will discover how to utilize PLC best practices to develop collaborative partnerships and identify high-leverage structures and strategies that will level the playing field, accelerate learning, and support success for all students.

  • Learn strategies for building a school culture that believes all students can succeed.
  • Examine collaborative structures to support high levels of learning.
  • Explore the essential elements of a guaranteed and viable curriculum.

Yes We Can

Recommended Resource

Your Goal

Sustaining Your Skills

Multi‑Day Services

Embedded Coaching

Execute proven strategies and confront challenges head-on with expert coaching. Our trusted special needs coaches will support you and your staff through every phase of implementation and monitor progress along the way to ensure you hit key benchmarks as you work to achieve sustainable success.

Customized Services

Our team will listen to your specific challenges and prepare and deliver a custom learning plan to meet your needs. With our evidence-based content, along with on-site professional learning and virtual training opportunities, we are uniquely positioned to help you meet the needs of your special needs students.

Featured Special Needs Presenters