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Brooke Gantt

Brooke Gantt serves as the Nixa Public Schools curriculum specialist. Her 23-year journey in public education encompasses roles as an urban and suburban classroom teacher, instructional coach, and education advocate.

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Brooke Gantt

Brooke Gantt serves as the Nixa Public Schools curriculum specialist. Her 23-year journey in public education encompasses roles as an urban and suburban classroom teacher, instructional coach, and education advocate. Her passion lies in inspiring and supporting students, families, and educators to explore new challenges, ideas, and experiences, cultivating lifelong learning through dedicated engagement within professional learning communities.

Some of Brooke’s notable recognitions include: District Teacher of the Year, Missouri State Teacher Association Unsung Hero, and a National Presidential Teacher Award. Brooke serves as an ambassador for Greater Ozarks Cooperating School Districts by leading educators in state legislative advocacy, Coaching Network facilitator, and is an Innovation Summit team leader. She received an undergraduate degree in early childhood and elementary education from Westminster College. She was nominated and selected to attend the elite Fellowship Masters Program through the University of Missouri where she received her masters of education in curriculum and instruction.

Brooke continued her journey and obtained her specialist degree in administration from Missouri State University. Brooke is currently pursuing her doctorate of education. With a commitment to continuous improvement, she inspires educators to embrace innovation and collaborative practices. Brooke has left an enduring impact on education, shaping classrooms and schools through visionary leadership and a dedicated commitment to the transformative power of ongoing learning.

PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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Presentations by Brooke Gantt

  • Amplify Your Collaborative Teams
  • Refocusing Your Time and Effort: Don’t Let the Fires Burn You!
  • PLC Lite or PLC Right?
  • Refining PLC: Reclaiming Resistors
  • Designing Units of Instruction
  • Board Member Support for Professional Learning Communities