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Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning

Creating Safe, Secure, and Successful Elementary Schools

By: Tracey A. Hulen, Ann-Bailey Lipsett

Support the growth of your students with meaningful, effective social-emotional learning. You’ll engage in deep reflection and discover ways to refine instruction, lesson planning, and assessment; promote whole-child development; and foster a productive learning environment for all.

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Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning

Support the growth of your students with meaningful, effective social-emotional learning (SEL). Full of resources, tools, and planning templates, this comprehensive guide provides everything you need to embed SEL practices within your daily work. You’ll engage in deep reflection and discover ways to refine instruction, lesson planning, and assessment; promote whole-child development; and foster a productive learning environment for all.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of students’ neurological development.
  • Learn the benefits of social-emotional learning.
  • Create a culture of social-emotional learning across entire schools.
  • Plan and teach for social-emotional learning.
  • Assess students on their social-emotional progress in order to encourage continual growth.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKG019, EKF581

ISBN: 9781952812477

“Of all the books I have read about social-emotional learning in elementary school, this book is by far the most practical and easily applied! Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning outlines the entire process of identifying students’ SEL needs and intervening to meet those needs at the schoolwide, classroom, small-group, and individual levels. It covers all aspects of the teaching process, including planning, teaching, checking or assessing for understanding, and reteaching as necessary. With possible next steps for all stakeholders, this practical guide will serve a very specific purpose for elementary schools all over the world.”

Heather Bell-Williams, Principal, Milltown Elementary School, St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada

“Hulen and Lipsett’s SEL building blocks have a direct impact on both behavior and academic achievement and can act as a bridge between them. Not only does this text provide the why, it also provides the how for effective SEL implementation at the schoolwide level. This is a book that will be recommended to my school’s guiding coalition.”

Kyle Bates, Fourth-Grade Teacher, Spradling Elementary School, Fort Smith, Arkansas
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