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Teaching Self-Regulation

Seventy-Five Instructional Activities to Foster Independent, Proactive Students, Grades 6–12

By: Amy S. Gaumer Erickson, Patricia M. Noonan

Self-regulation fuels students to become socially and emotionally engaged, lifelong learners. With this timely resource you’ll gain 75 instructional activities to teach self-regulation in any secondary classroom. Ample teacher-tested tools and templates are also included to help you create authentic learning experiences and deliver effective feedback.

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Teaching Self-Regulation

Self-regulation fuels students to become socially and emotionally engaged, lifelong learners. And just like mastering mathematics or language arts content, to develop strong self-regulation, students need ongoing practice opportunities. With this timely resource you’ll gain 75 instructional activities to teach self-regulation in any secondary classroom. Ample teacher-tested tools and templates are also included to help you create authentic learning experiences and deliver effective feedback.

This book offers social and emotional engagement strategies that work:

  • Explore the four components for successful self-regulation—(1) plan, (2) monitor, (3) adjust, and (4) reflect.
  • Develop students’ planning abilities for both personal and academic goals.
  • Guide students in adjusting plans when faced with obstacles.
  • Study real-life scenarios of how to shift from regulating for students to coaching students to self-regulate.
  • Review testimonials from teachers and students who have seen and experienced the positive results of self-regulation practices.

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InstructionStudent Engagement

Additional Information

Product Code: BKF988, EKF551

ISBN: 9781951075774

Published By: Solution Tree

Page Count: 208

Teaching Self-Regulation is a must-read book for any middle or high school educator. This comprehensive resource provides a well-organized array of activities, questions, and prompts that will allow educators to seamlessly implement strategies for increasing self-regulation into their curriculum.”

Nina Parrish, Author; CEO and Cofounder of Parrish Learning Zone

“Gaumer Erickson and Noonan provide educators with the knowledge of what it truly means when students are able to self-regulate and with a straightforward approach to developing self-regulation in students.”

Elise S. Heger, Associate Researcher, The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning

“This book is an outstanding resource—a perfect balance of detailed information and easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply practices.”

Chris Cooper, Superintendent, Clearwater Unified School District 264, Kansas

“Self-regulation matters for every student! Gaumer Erickson and Noonan put logical tools and compelling strategies at your fingertips so you can successfully embed self-regulation in the content you already teach. The instructional activities in this book build students’ ability to deal with life’s challenges and set them up for success.”

Cindy M. Schultz, Educator, Counselor, Trainer

“The tools provided in Teaching Self-Regulation are practical, straight-forward, and applicable across content areas. Implementing the strategies the authors provide will help teachers build relationships with students, as well as empower and motivate students while illuminating students' personal and academic needs and goals. These are just the types of skills, strategies, and practice students need going forward into college and career.”

Diane Elliott, SEL Facilitator, Garden City USD 457, Garden City, Kansas
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