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Jackie Palmquist

Jackie Palmquist is a national presenter and educational consultant with over 30 years of high school classroom mathematics teaching and leading experience. Her leadership emphasizes and supports collaborative planning and current research-informed best instructional practices.

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Jackie Palmquist

Jackie Palmquist has served as a high school math teacher, math department chair, and district math consultant in Indian Prairie School District 204, Illinois, for 34 years. With a passion for teaching and leading, she ensures that all students have access to high-quality math education. She volunteers, presents, and leads with local, state, and national math organizations. In her three years as director of professional learning for NCSM, the premier mathematics leadership organization, Jackie has led events focused on leading in mathematics through a lens of equity, and social justice in mathematics teaching as well as building leadership through math coaches. She has led and presented both locally and nationally on the benefits of number talk routines for all learners. Jackie brought teachers and leaders together to improve, giving them actionable classroom-tested strategies to meet the needs of all learners.

Jackie has earned countless awards including Illinois Title I Grant, National Board Certification, and the ICTM Lee Yunker Leadership Award. She earned her master’s degree in educational leadership from Aurora University, her master’s in physical education from Chicago State University, and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from North Central College in Naperville, Illinois.

Mathematics at Work™

Mathematics at Work™ experts are practitioners with deep expertise in research-affirmed mathematics instruction and assessment processes that ensure improved student learning. Work with them to develop a collaborative teacher culture focused on engaging instruction and formative feedback assessment practices.

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Presentations by Jackie Palmquist

  • Invite ALL Students to the Math Conversation with Number Talks
  • 5 Surprising Benefits of Number Talks in Secondary Math Classrooms
  • Invite ALL Students to the Math Conversation with Number Talks in Your Secondary Classroom
  • Changing Mathematical Mindsets in an Algebra I Support Class
  • Using Instructional Routines to Promote Equity, Keynote, Baltimore County Public Schools, 2020