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Maureen M. Rubenstein

Maureen M. Rubenstein is a literacy coach and special education instructor in Lincolnshire, Illinois. She works with other literacy coaches to coordinate and implement book clubs, PD sessions, and coaching sessions.

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Maureen M. Rubenstein

Maureen M. Rubenstein is a literacy coach and special education instructor at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Illinois. As a teacher, she works to create individualized education plans for students with diagnosed reading, writing, and emotional disabilities. In her coaching role, she partners with instructors from all divisions to foster disciplinary literacy.

In addition to coaching individual teachers, she also works with other literacy coaches to coordinate and implement book clubs, professional development sessions, and one-on-one coaching sessions.

Maureen earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Illinois State University, a master’s degree in language literacy and specialized instruction degree (reading specialist) from DePaul University, and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Northern Illinois University.

Follow Maureen on Twitter at @SHS_LiteracyMR.

Beyond Labels

Beyond Labels! experts have proven success in improving outcomes for all students, including those with special needs. Work with them to develop collaborative partnerships in order to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.

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Presentations by Maureen M. Rubenstein

  • Disciplinary Literacy: Creating a Classroom of “Insiders”
  • Frontloading for Success: Why Pre-Reading Matters
  • Asking the Right Questions: Developing an Inquiry Mindset
  • Wide Reading: Choice and Breadth in the Classroom
  • Digital Literacy vs. Digital Skills
  • Inquiry & Reluctant Readers: Engaging the Next Generation