- All Means All
Essential Actions for Leveraging Yes We Can!
Be brave and shift the mindset—inclusion begins with recognizing all students as general education students. This book provides educators with practical tools, research, and renewed motivation to champion all learners. Organized around learning, living, and leading, it offers deeper dives into Yes We Can! practices, emphasizing how to implement them effectively.
$53.50 - Propel Your PLC at Work®
Leadership and Coaching Activities for Enriching the Process
Gain practical tools and guidance to enhance your PLC at Work® process. Author Rob J. Meyer offers clear explanations of the four critical questions of the PLC process, discussion questions, and activities to help you and your team focus on student learning, identify knowledge gaps, and implement effective strategies.
$53.50 - Data-Driven Dialogue
A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry, Second Edition
Build a framework for data-driven dialogue in school-improvement efforts. This book articulates the elements of high-performing teams with an inquiry-driven model for structuring dialogue. Explore tools and strategies for effective data-based planning, problem solving, and organizational capacity building.
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- Powerful Inquiry
Leading With Questions to Build Leadership Capacity in Your School and District
In Powerful Inquiry, the authors encourage leaders to build core leadership skills and competencies. School and district leaders will learn how leading with questions deepens their capacity and builds the mindset and skill sets of others to lead in a way that cultivates collaboration and innovation.
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- Learning by Doing
A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work®, Fourth Edition
The fourth edition of this comprehensive action guide provides new strategies for leveraging PLC for a highly effective multitiered system of supports, expert-led guidance on school culture, and a deeper discussion on connecting school improvement to the mission of helping all students succeed.
$62.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Groups at Work
Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning
Fill your toolkit with effective strategies to own your processes, actions, and outcomes in professional learning group activities. The authors provide leaders with methods to design and prepare productive and efficient group meetings and interactions, regardless of place.
$40.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Coaching for Multilingual Student Success
Intentional Practices to Accelerate Learning and Close Achievement Gaps
Teachers do not have to choose between serving multilingual learners and providing rigorous instruction for all. Perfect for group study, this book offers guidance for leveraging instructional coaching to strengthen collective teacher efficacy and confidence so teachers can accelerate learning for all students.
$53.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- The 15-Day Challenge
Simplify and Energize Your PLC at Work® Process
Simplicity of the PLC process and energy to drive the work are essential for teams to collaborate successfully. Author Maria Nielsen provides you with the structure and tools you need to confidently utilize both of these staples to become a high-functioning professional learning community.
$47.00Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Singletons in a PLC at Work®
Navigating On-Ramps to Meaningful Collaboration
Collaboration among teachers is key for school improvement and student success. Most teachers will collaborate in grade-level or course-alike teams in a PLC, but what about singletons—those teachers who do not have grade-level or course-alike peers? In this resource, singleton teachers will find creative entry points to form meaningful collaborative teams.
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- The Deliberate and Courageous Principal
Ten Leadership Actions and Skills to Create High-Achieving Schools
Fully step into your power as a school principal. By diving deep into five essential leadership actions and five essential leadership skills, you will learn how to grow in your role and accomplish incredible outcomes for your students and staff.
$53.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout