Take the next critical steps on your journey to becoming a Professional Learning Community at Work®
Building a high-achieving PLC at Work® is an ongoing—and deeply rewarding—process. As you continue to focus your efforts on the growth and success of your students and teachers, Implement It! will help you put knowledge into action.
Select an area of focus and engage your staff in effective professional learning during a six-month time period.
- Collaborative Teams
- Common Formative Assessment
- RTI at Work™
- Essential Learning Standards
Build foundational knowledge for staff through a 90-minute interactive web conference led by a PLC at Work® expert.
Use the leadership guide to engage your staff through video and learning activities. Each activity in the Leadership Guide includes:
- Pre-work to set the foundations for the learning ahead
- A meeting agenda to keep you on course
- Post-work to solidify understanding and new skills
Access a certified coach to work with your leadership team to answer questions and provide feedback during up to three 60-minute virtual coaching sessions.
With each Implement It! Learning Topic, you will receive:

Topic-Based Leadership Guide
5 copies

Virtual Coaching for up to 5 Leaders
Up to 3 60-minute sessions

Whole-Staff Interactive Web Conference
1 90-minute session

1-Year Global PD Library Access
5 subscriptions

One Corresponding Resource
5 copies
Focus on the right work
Implement It! Collaborative Teams
Creating collaborative teams is foundational to the success of every professional learning community. With expert support, your school leadership team will learn essential next steps for deepening collaboration schoolwide. Five learning activities in this strand assist teams to address how to:
- Create collaborative teams
- Designate time for teams to do their work
- Define what teams need to accomplish
- Identify the critical questions that drive the work
- Create norms and collective commitments
- Assess team effectiveness
School leaders will then have the tools, knowledge, and skills to successfully guide their faculty and staff into the deeper implementation of creating a collaborative culture within their school.

Included Resource: Learning by Doing, Third Edition, Canadian Version
Implement It! Essential Learning Standards
In a PLC at Work, teachers ensure all students have access to the same essential standards regardless of the individual teacher to whom they are assigned. Equipping collaborative teams with the necessary skills to develop essential standards that support learning is a critical step toward a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Five learning activities in this strand assist teams to address how to:
- Develop learning targets and proficiency levels for each essential standard
- Create proficiency levels for each essential standard
- Design a process for creating pacing and assessment schedules
School leaders will then have the tools, knowledge, and skills to successfully guide their faculty and staff to deepen their work around ensuring high levels of learning for all students.
Implement It! Common Formative Assessment
Providing structures that teams can follow is essential for a better understanding of how to create and effectively use common formative assessments, which are the linchpin of PLC at Work. Five learning activities in this strand assist teams to address how to:
- Unwrap power standards and focus on essential outcomes
- Achieve clarity on learning targets
- Build structures to help with designing common formative assessments
- Use protocols for examining data
School leaders will then have the tools, knowledge, and skills to successfully guide their faculty and staff to deepen their work around creating and using common formative assessments successfully.

Included Resource: Common Formative Assessment
Implement It! RTI at Work™
Providing a road map for creating an effective RTI system that ensures no student falls through a learning gap is essential to work in a professional learning community. Five learning activities in this strand assist teams to address how to:
- Develop a shared understanding of response to intervention
- Utilize essential standards
- Develop an instructional cycle and unit plans
- Provide supplemental support for students and intensive support for students
School leaders will then have the tools, knowledge, and skills to successfully guide their faculty and staff to deepen their work around developing a comprehensive RTI system in their school.

Included Resource: Taking Action: A Handbook for RTI at Work