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Wendy Daniels

Wendy Daniels specializes in supporting teachers and administrators in the areas of PLCs, effective instruction, curriculum design, and assessment. She has experience as a presenter, instructional facilitator, coach, and classroom teacher.

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Wendy Daniels

Wendy Daniels specializes in supporting teachers and administrators in the areas of PLCs, effective instruction, curriculum design, and assessment. She has experience as a presenter, instructional facilitator, coach, and classroom teacher.

Wendy has worked alongside teachers and administrators as a teacher, coach, facilitator, and administrative support to implement the PLC at Work® process from the early stages. Her last school was awarded Model PLC at Work status and certified as a High Reliability School as the team streamlined their PLC work and leveled up their effective instruction in every classroom. She understands how important the details are in an effective instructional system yet facilitates a big-picture point of view.

Wendy is honored to have been selected as a presenter at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Her work specializes in designing proficiency scales that support early childhood educators in assessing and promoting children's development and learning.

Wendy earned a bachelor’s degree from Regis University and a master’s degree in instructional design from Western Governors University.

PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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Presentations by Wendy Daniels

  • Professional Learning Communities at Work: Breaking It Down
  • Creating and Using Effective Proficiency Scales
  • Purposeful Assessment Design
  • Understanding and Using Leading and Lagging Indicators as a High Reliability School
  • Highly Engaged by Design
  • Growing PLC Capacity with a Leadership PLC
  • PLCs: Gaining Momentum (Designing a 3-, 6-, and 9-Month Plan)
  • Instructional Rounds/Lesson Studies: Job-Embedded Professional Development