Dawn Caruso
Dawn Caruso, EdD, is a former district administrator of assessment and accountability in Florida. She also served as a virtual school administrator as well as a literacy coach at the state and school level.
Dawn Caruso
Dawn Caruso, EdD, is a former district administrator of assessment and accountability in Florida. She also served as a virtual school administrator as well as a literacy coach at the state and school level. Her work continues to focus on curriculum and assessment through topics such as planning assessment architecture, standards-based progression and assessment, quality question design and techniques, common assessment development, and instructional implications of assessment.
Dr. Caruso sat on the State Board of Florida Testing Administrators representing midsized districts and also represented middle school teachers on the Central Florida Writing Project Leadership Team. Additionally, she provided literacy support to struggling schools in South Florida at the state level through the Schoolwide Assistance Teams program. Her experience training teachers and administrators on effective assessment development and literacy practices has included both high socioeconomic and high-poverty populations.
Dr. Caruso earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary English education from the University of Maryland, a master’s degree in educational leadership, and a doctorate in instructional technology and distance education from Nova Southeastern University.
Assessment Collaborative
Assessment Collaborative experts have proven success in developing and implementing sustainable assessment practices that garner hope through achievement. Work with them to create assessment systems that provide accurate, meaningful, and actionable information to drive student learning.
Presentations by Dawn Caruso
- Reaching Beyond Summative Assessments: Designing Quality Formative Assessments for Instructional Daily Routines
- Keeping the End in Mind: Using Backward Design for Unit Planning
- Effective Questioning Techniques
- Using Formative Data to Support Instructional Agility
- Framing Positive Feedback: Implementing Actionable Feedback for Instructional Implications
- Using the Level of Progression in Standards to Develop Sound Assessments
- Making Meaning of Data: Using Both Qualitative and Quantitative Data to Impact Student Learning
- Building a Quality Assessment System
- The Science of Reading
- Diving Deeper with Cognitive Complexity
- Planting “Roots” in Vocabulary Instruction
- “A” is for Authentic Assessment
- Building a Better Foundation for Writing
- Is This “Valid and Reliable?” Should We Use These Concepts Synonymously?