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The Principal as Assessment Leader

This book explores the importance of effective classroom assessment to student achievement and the role of school leaders to model and spark positive change through building teacher literacy, providing targeted professional development, acquiring appropriate technology, and more. With insights from expert practitioners, this book helps schools make the shift to best-practice assessment for districtwide improvements in student learning.


  • Identify the characteristics of an effective, balanced assessment system.
  • Find insights into how principals can best support improved assessment practice in the classroom.
  • Create professional development opportunities that build schoolwide assessment literacy.
  • Learn about assessment technology tools, including what to look for, how to use them, and what to expect from staff.
  • Incorporate data analysis that staff will commit to and use to improve student learning.
  • Understand the advantages of implementing standards-based grading and reporting.
  • Gain strategies for using assessment processes to engage learners at risk.

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The Principal as Assessment Leader

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Chapter 1: Paving the Way for an Assessment-Rich Culture
Chapter 2: Build, Promote, Guide, Provide, Monitor: Action Words for Principals as Instructional Leaders in Assessment
Chapter 3: A Principal’s Guide to Assessment
Chapter 4: Building Assessment Expertise Through Twenty-First-Century Professional Development
Chapter 5: A Seven-Module Plan to Build Teacher Knowledge of Balanced Assessment
Chapter 6: Plug Us In, Please: Using Digital Tools for Data Collection

Chapter 7: Finding Meaning in the Numbers

Chapter 8: The Courage to Implement Standards-Based Report Cards

Chapter 9: Lowering High School Failure Rates

Chapter 10: Assessing the Student at Risk: A New Look at School-Based Credit Recovery

Chapter 11: Formative Assessment, Transformative Relationships