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Mindful School Communities: The Five Cs of Nurturing Heart Centered Learning™

Build a thriving school community that creates healthy, resilient, and successful students. A companion to Mindfulness Practices, this research-backed guide outlines how to teach self-regulation by fostering the five Cs of social-emotional learning and mindfulness: consciousness, compassion, confidence, courage, and community. The authors provide a wealth of practical exercises, strategies, and tools to bring this scientifically proven approach to life across grade levels and subject areas.


  • Benefit from exercises that infuse social-emotional concepts and 21st century skills into academic curriculum across subjects and grade levels.
  • Discover ideas for incorporating historical examples of consciousness, compassion, confidence, courage, and community into classwork.
  • Learn ways to assess the five Cs elements, including the research-based S-CCATE tool, to provide evidence for what might seem unquantifiable.
  • Become familiar with different ways educators have implemented Heart Centered Learning™ in the real world.
  • Work with numerous activities and mindsets that foster a mixture of vulnerability and strength and ameliorate trauma.

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Mindful School Communities

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Part I: Scientific Basis and Overview
Chapter 1: Heart Centered Learning
Chapter 2: Heart Physiology and Heart-Mind Connections
Part II: Heart Centered Components
Chapter 3: Consciousness
Chapter 4: Compassion
Chapter 5: Confidence
Chapter 6: Courage
Chapter 7: Heart Centered Community
Chapter 8: Heart Centered Leadership
Epilogue: Taking Heart, Having Heart—Looking to Our Future
Appendix: S-CCATE—A Visioning and Assessment Tool to Create Heart Centered Communities




  • Brendtro, L. K., Brokenleg, M., & van Bockern, S. (2019). Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise (3rd ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Kanold, T. (2017). HEART! Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Mason, C., Rivers Murphy, M., & Jackson, Y. (2019). Mindfulness Practices: Cultivating Heart Centered Communities Where Students Focus and Flourish. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.



Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
