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20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core

Increasing Rigor in Middle & High School Classrooms

With the advent of the Common Core State Standards and high expectations with regard to content literacy, some secondary teachers are scrambling for what to do and how to do it. This book provides an accessible plan for implementing content literacy and offers 20 research-based literacy strategies designed to help students meet those standards and become expert readers.


  • Learn 20 literacy strategies to help students become expert readers.
  • Access activities, lesson plans, organizers, and other research-based tools that promote secondary content literacy.
  • Strengthen your understanding of CCSS for English language arts and literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects for grades 6–12.

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20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core Increasing Rigor in Middle & High School Classrooms

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Strategy 1: Read-Decide-Explain
Strategy 2: Show You Know
Strategy 3: Prove It
Strategy 4: Read Like a Detective
Strategy 5: Question Like an Investigative Reporter
Strategy 6: Think Like a Private Investigator
Strategy 7: Snapshot Summary
Strategy 8: Identify-Analyze-Summarize
Strategy 9: What-How-Why (Individuals)
Strategy 10: What-How-Why (Events)
Strategy 11: What-How-Why (Ideas)
Strategy 12: Quick-REACH Vocabulary Toolkit
Strategy 13: Weigh the Words
Strategy 14: Identify-Analyze-Relate (Problem-Solution)
Strategy 15: Identify-Analyze-Relate (Cause-Effect)
Strategy 16: Purpose-Content-Style
Strategy 17: Navigate-Integrate-Evaluate
Strategy 18: Delineate-Evaluate-Explain
Strategy 19: Analyze-Compare-Write
Strategy 20: Literacy Rehearsal