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Beyond the Grade Reproducibles

Refining Practices That Boost Student Achievement

To help all students succeed, vast changes in grading policies and scheduling are needed. In this research-based resource, the authors examine why current practices are ineffective and present an evidence-based case for a standards-based grading system. Use this book as a schoolwide study guide to ensure all staff fully understand how standards-based grading will improve the achievement of an ever-growing, diverse student population.


  • Ascertain the school variables that can influence student motivation and enhance achievement.
  • Explore the disadvantages of traditional grading practices and the advantages that come from implementing standards-based grading practices.
  • Receive guidance on providing students with the extra time and help they require to meet their learning needs.
  • Access a list of questions that can help bring focus to your discussions about grading practices.
  • Gain resources, including sample schedules, for implementing standards-based grading practices in elementary, middle, and high schools.

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Beyond the Grade

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Part I: Assess Problems With Traditional Grading Practices
Chapter 1: Why It’s Time to Reassess
Chapter 2: Flawed Grading Practices and Policies
Chapter 3: How Poverty Creates Variables That Affect Achievement

Part II: Implement Solutions to the Problems
Chapter 4: Improve Grading Practices and Policies
Chapter 5: Effectively Address Poverty and Its Variables
Chapter 6: Rethink Scheduling

Epilogue: The Power of a Teacher


Suggested Resources

Chapter 1

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Additional Resources