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Proficiency-Based Instruction

Use the academic tasks students already do for social-emotional learning. Integrate student values into academic instruction and make learning meaningful for students. This book will guide teachers in helping students connect their work to their values, empowering them to redefine success.


  • Develop an understanding of what values are, how they impact the way we live, and the need for students to choose and live their own values.
  • Understand how to develop a classroom culture of willingness and encourage student empowerment.
  • Help students approach academic work in ways that align with their values.
  • Explore ways to integrate values exploration into student learning throughout instructional units.
  • Receive numerous customizable protocols rooted in scientific and behavioral research that simultaneously facilitate academic and social-emotional growth.

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Proficiency-Based Instruction

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Chapter 1: Implementing Proficiency-Based Instruction: Five Stages of the Creative Process
Chapter 2: Preparation
Chapter 3: Incubation
Chapter 4: Insight
Chapter 5: Evaluation
Chapter 6: Elaboration
Chapter 7: Proficiency-Based Lessons in the Classroom
Chapter 8: Discipline-Specific Examples of Proficiency-Based Instruction




  • Gobble, T., Onuscheck, M., Reibel, A. R., & Twadell, E. (2016). Proficiency-Based Assessment: Process, Not Product. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Gobble, T., Onuscheck, M., Reibel, A. R., & Twadell, E. (2017). Pathways to Proficiency: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.