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Teaching for Transfer Reproducibles

A Guide for Designing Learning With Real-World Application

Empower students to become creative, well-rounded citizens who are prepared to meet and overcome real-world challenges. With Teaching for Transfer, you’ll discover a road map for reconfiguring K–12 classroom instruction to ensure learners can expertly apply their knowledge and skills to new contexts. The resource includes ample practices and protocols you can begin using today to cultivate essential transfer-level skills in students.


  • Study the three levels of complexity: (1) surface, (2) deep, and (3) transfer.
  • Understand how foundational knowledge and skills can be leveraged to create transfer-level learning experiences and increase student engagement and problem-solving skills.
  • Learn specific teaching strategies and protocols for incorporating perspective and perplexity in the classroom to mimic real-world challenges.
  • Use end-of-chapter reflection questions individually and collaboratively, with other teachers, to build students’ transferable skills.

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Teaching for Transfer

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Introduction: Finding Our Focus
Chapter 1: Laying Foundations—Building Surface-and-Deep Networks
Chapter 2: Moving Beyond Foundations—Building Transfer Networks
Chapter 3: Introducing Change in the Learning Experience—Leveraging Perspective and Perplexity
Chapter 4: Engaging Students in Transfer-Level Learning
Chapter 5: Integrating Transfer Into Our Teaching and Learning Practices
Appendix A: Resources for Foundational Learning
Appendix B: Resources for Transfer-Network Development
Appendix C: Resources for Engagement in Transfer-Level Work




  • Guskey, T. R. (Ed.). (2009). The Teacher as Assessment Leader. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Heflebower, T., Hoegh, J. K., & Warrick, P. B. (2014). A School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
  • Heflebower, T., Hoegh, J. K., Warrick, P. B., & Flygare, J. (2019). A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
  • Marzano, R. J. (2009). Designing and Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
  • Marzano, R. J. (2010). Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
  • Marzano, R. J. (2017). The New Art and Science of Teaching. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Marzano, R. J., & Heflebower, T. (2012). Teaching and Assessing 21st Century Skills. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
  • Marzano, R. J., Warrick, P. B., Rains, C. L., & DuFour, R. (2018). Leading a High Reliability School. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Marzano, R. J., & Waters, T. (2009). District Leadership That Works: Striking the Right Balance. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Wiliam, D. (2018). Embedded Formative Assessment (2nd ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
