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Learning-Focused Supervision

Developing Professional Expertise in Standards-Driven Systems, Second Edition

This book is for educational leaders and supervisors seeking to enhance teacher effectiveness through learning-focused supervision. It offers a continuum of strategies, data-driven conversations, and a comprehensive tool kit for teacher planning and problem solving, promoting professional development aligned with standards-based practices.


  • Elevate teacher effectiveness with actionable, standards-driven strategies.
  • Use real-world examples and QR-linked videos to enrich supervisory practices.
  • Align supervision techniques with current educational trends for impactful outcomes.
  • Develop skills in data-driven leadership and support teacher growth.
  • Enhance problem-solving, planning, and reflecting with structured and learning-focused conversations.

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Learning-Focused Supervision

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Section 1: Learning-Focused Supervision in Action
Section 2: Four Stances: The Continuum of Learning-Focused Interaction
Section 3: Structured Conversations
Section 4: A Learning-Focused Tool Kit
Section 5: Data as a Tool for Growth
Section 6: From Novice to Expert Teaching


Assessment Inventories

Video Skill Development Exercises

Learning Resources



Table of Contents

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5