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The School Leader's Game Plan
Strategies for Maximizing Your Capacity to Tackle Daily Challenges
Address stress, time management, and burnout in school leadership by developing a balanced approach that supports long-term resilience. Through practical guidance, leaders can optimize motivation, manage stress, and create sustainable daily practices for effective, committed educational leadership.
- Practice mindful awareness to respond, rather than react, to situations
- Integrate physical, mental, and emotional health practices to optimize daily performance
- Enhance decision making in times of crisis using stress management strategies
- Build leadership capacity to sustain long-term performance
- Reconnect with purpose through clarity of motivation and volition
Chapter 1: Focusing on Leadership Capacity for Optimal Performance, Career Sustainability, and Wellness
Chapter 2: Learning From Elite Athletes
Chapter 3: Managing Stress Reactions
Chapter 4: Exploring Optimal Physical Preparation for Leadership
Chapter 5: Getting Quality Sleep and Dealing With Fatigue
Chapter 6: Learning About Leaders’ Emotional Regulation
Chapter 7: Exploring Motivation and Volition as Vital Sources of Support
Chapter 8: Putting It All Into Practice
Chapter 1: Focusing on Leadership Capacity for Optimal Performance, Career Sustainability, and Wellness
Chapter 2: Learning From Elite Athletes
Chapter 3: Managing Stress Reactions
- Understanding the Context of Your Stress Reactions
- Path to Mindfulness, Authentic Reflection, and Self-Awareness
- Capacity Overview Graphic Organizer
Chapter 4: Exploring Optimal Physical Preparation for Leadership
Chapter 5: Getting Quality Sleep and Dealing With Fatigue
Chapter 6: Learning About Leaders’ Emotional Regulation
- Using Mental Rehearsal and Simulation to Prepare for Escalated Emotional Response
- Maintaining Emotional Supports Graphic Organizer
Chapter 7: Exploring Motivation and Volition as Vital Sources of Support
Chapter 8: Putting It All Into Practice
- Building Motivational Clarity Into Your Existing Evaluation Process
- Building Your Practice of Authentic Reflection
- A Comprehensive Planning Document for Maintaining Your Leadership Capacity
- Kanold, T. D. (2017). HEART! Fully forming your professional life as a teacher and leader. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Kanold, T. D., & Boogren, T. H. (2022). Educator wellness: A guide for sustaining physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Vander Els, J. G., & Stack, B. M. (2022). Unpacking the competency-based classroom: Equitable, individualized learning in a PLC at Work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.