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What Principals Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction

Principals are instrumental in the teacher's understanding of a differentiated classroom. This valuable resource gives administrators the knowledge and skills needed to enable teachers to implement and sustain differentiation. Learn information and strategies to jump-start, guide, and coach teachers as they respond to the needs of diverse students, including students with special needs, students with attention deficit disorder, gifted learners, and English learners.


  • Understand the concept of differentiated instruction and the theory that supports it.
  • Discover why schools need differentiated instruction to ensure student success.
  • Learn how differentiated instruction serves all students—including those with special education needs, gifted students, students with attention challenges, and ELs.
  • Build students' individual learning profiles and identify learning styles and preferences.
  • Identify specific learning strategies that teachers can use in the classroom for differentiated instruction.
  • Lead differentiation by supporting and encouraging teachers, providing access to professional development opportunities, and establishing partnerships.

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What Principals Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction

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Chapter 1: What Is Differentiation?
Chapter 2: Why Do We Need Differentiation?
Chapter 3: Determining Student Learning Profiles
Chapter 4: Building a Foundation: Curriculum and Assessment
Chapter 5: Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom
Chapter 6: Using Differentiation Beyond General Education
Epilogue: Leading With Differentiation