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Collaborative Teacher Literacy Teams, K–6

Connecting Professional Growth to Student Achievement

With all the different components of literacy, planning and delivering effective literacy instruction can be overwhelming. Explore the work of collaborative literacy teams from their formation to the employment of successful student-focused strategies. Find professional growth units in each chapter that provide educators with the opportunity to discuss key concepts, self-reflect, and remain focused on student achievement.


  • Engage in deep discussion, reflection, and research-proven instructional techniques with team jumping-off points.
  • Review literacy instruction exemplars to enhance understanding of best practices.
  • Learn how to use educational tools including rubrics, graphic organizers, and goal charts.
  • Explore 20 professional growth units, each including an Essential Question, Advance Organizer, Read to Understand and Remember, Cognitive Processing Activity, and Achievement Connection.

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Collaborative Teacher Literacy Teams, K–6

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Chapter 1: Instructional Moves
Chapter 2: Teacher-Managed Instruction
Chapter 3: Teacher With-It-Ness
Chapter 4: Student-Managed Learning
Chapter 5: Classroom Artifacts
Appendix A: The Exemplars and Nonexemplars of Effective K–6 Literacy Instruction
Appendix B: Table of Contents for the Twenty Units