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Literacy Look-Fors

An Observation Protocol to Guide K–6 Classroom Walkthroughs

Through a unique seven-step process, administrators and literacy leaders will gain a solid understanding of how to assess and build instructional capacity, overcome roadblocks, develop professional growth opportunities, and create a balanced literacy program. Learn how to identify the look-fors that provide evidence of effective literacy instruction, and bring all students to grade level or well above.


  • Learn a step-by-step process for conducting walkthroughs and effectively implementing the literacy look-fors.
  • Explore the 60 look-fors.
  • Examine how to customize an orientation program to introduce the faculty to the look-fors and walkthroughs.
  • Review a Q&A section that answers the questions most often asked by principals before, during, and after the implementation of the walkthrough model.

Literacy Look-Fors


Chapter 1: Understand the Literacy Look-Fors
Chapter 2: Understand the Classroom Walkthroughs
Chapter 3: Assess Your Instructional Leadership Capacity
Chapter 4: Orient Your Faculty to the Look-Fors and Walkthroughs
Chapter 5: Collect and Analyze Look-For Frequency Data
Chapter 6: Develop, Implement, and Assess Embedded Professional Development
Chapter 7: Use Team Walkthroughs to Build School Capacity



Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Online Only

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7