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Revolving Literacy

How to Connect Relevance and Future-Ready Skills to Secondary English Instruction

This book provides a step-by-step process for English educators to design future-ready literacy experiences in secondary English classrooms. Grades 6–12 teachers will find practical steps and resources, including reflection questions and tools, to aid curriculum development and reflection.


  • Implement a process that promotes growth of curriculum to meet future challenges.
  • Prioritize student engagement and relevance in curriculum design and lesson planning.
  • Encourage student agency through options in what students choose to read and learn.
  • Cultivate prized qualities, such as innovation, to enhance students’ future professional profiles.

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Revolving Literacy

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Chapter 1: Newfound Literacies in Future-Ready Skills
Chapter 2: Tools for Designing New Visions and New Priorities
Chapter 3: How to Plan Lessons Using the Revolving Literacy Lesson Structure
Chapter 4: Teaching Writers in the Revolving Literacy Classroom
Chapter 5: Teaching Researchers in the Revolving Literacy Classroom
Chapter 6: Teaching Readers in the Revolving Literacy Classroom


Chapter 1: Newfound Literacies in Future-Ready Skills

Chapter 2: Tools for Designing New Visions and New Priorities

Chapter 3: How to Plan Lessons Using the Revolving Literacy Lesson Structure

Chapter 4: Teaching Writers in the Revolving Literacy Classroom

Chapter 5: Teaching Researchers in the Revolving Literacy Classroom

Chapter 6: Teaching Readers in the Revolving Literacy Classroom



  • Radice, L. (2023). Leading a culture of reading: How to ignite and sustain a love of literacy in your school community. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.


Chapter 2

Chapter 4

Chapter 6