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Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching High School

Develop a deep understanding of mathematics. This user-friendly resource presents high school teachers with a logical progression of pedagogical actions, classroom norms, and collaborative teacher team efforts to increase their knowledge and improve mathematics instruction. Explore strategies and techniques to effectively learn and teach significant mathematics concepts and provide all students with the precise, accurate information they need to achieve academic success.


  • Access twelve exclusive videos that demonstrate how to teach students essential mathematics skills.
  • Dig deep into mathematical modeling and reasoning to improve as both a learner and teacher of mathematics.
  • Explore how to develop, select, or modify mathematics tasks in order to balance cognitive demand and engage students.
  • Discover the three important norms to uphold in all mathematics classrooms.
  • Learn to apply the tasks, questioning, and evidence (TQE) process to ensure mathematics instruction is focused, coherent, and rigorous.
  • Gain clarity about the most productive progression of mathematical teaching and learning for high school.

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Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching: High School

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Chapter 1: Equations and Functions
Chapter 2: Structure of Equations
Chapter 3: Geometry
Chapter 4: Types of Functions
Chapter 5: Modeling With Functions
Chapter 6: Statistics and Probability
Epilogue: Next Steps
Appendix: Hypothetical Weight Loss Study Data



  • Nolan, E. C., Dixon, J. K., Roy, G. J., & Andreasen, J. B. (2016). Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Grades 6–8. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.