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Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching the Small Group

Make sense of effective characteristics of K–5 small-group instruction in mathematics. Connect new understandings to classroom practice through the use of authentic classroom video of pulled small groups in action. Use the TQE (Tasks, Questions, Evidence) process to plan time effectively for small-group instruction.


  • Explore the benefits of small-group math instruction and how it can facilitate deep mathematical understandings.
  • Discover the teacher’s and students’ roles in small-group instruction and how teachers can help students develop the skills to fulfill their role.
  • Learn how to apply the Tasks, Questions, and Evidence (TQE) process to small-group instruction in order to enhance student learning and improve your knowledge of teaching mathematics.
  • View examples of small-group instruction and how the structure can support differentiation.

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Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching the Small Group

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Chapter 1: Best Practices in Small-Group Instruction
Chapter 2: The TQE Process in Small-Group Instruction
Chapter 3: Discourse in Small-Group Instruction
Epilogue: How to Tie It All Together
Appendix A: Sample Lesson Plan for Grades K–2 Using TQE Process Lesson-Planning Tool
Appendix B: Sample Lesson Plan for Grades 3–5 Using TQE Process Lesson-Planning Tool

Study Guide

Develop a clear path toward your goals by using the free study guide.