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Mathematics Instruction and Tasks in a PLC at Work™

Gain lesson-design strategies and instructional methods of teaching mathematics in a PLC that support student learning through standards-based math activities and lessons.


  • Plan for the use of balanced rigorous mathematical practices and routines to teach each content standard during core instruction.
  • Identify mathematics content standards students must learn in a unit and the appropriate math activities and tasks needed to develop understanding, application, and fluency progressions of mathematical concepts.
  • Understand the importance of communicating the why of mathematical skills and essential learning standards to students.
  • Implement instructional strategies for math that ensure the formative learning of all students during lessons.

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Mathematics Instruction and Tasks in a PLC at Work™

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Part 1: Team Action 1: Develop High-Quality Mathematics Lessons for Daily Instruction
Chapter 1: Essential Learning Standards: The Why of the Lesson
Chapter 2: Prior-Knowledge Warm-Up Activities
Chapter 3: Academic Language Vocabulary as Part of Instruction
Chapter 4: Lower-and Higher-Level-Cognitive-Demand Mathematical Task Balance
Chapter 5: Whole-Group and Small-Group Discourse Balance
Chapter 6: Lesson Closure for Evidence of Learning
Chapter 7: Mathematics in a PLC at Work Lesson-Design Tool
Part 1 Summary
Part 2: Team Action 4: Use Effective Lesson Design to Provide Formative Feedback and Student Perseverance
Chapter 8: Essential Learning Standards and Prior-Knowledge Warm-Up Activities
Chapter 9: Using Vocabulary as Part of Instruction
Chapter 10: Implementing Mathematical Task and Discourse Balance
Chapter 11: Using Lesson Closure for Evidence of Learning
Chapter 12: Responding to Lesson Progress With High-Quality Tier 1 Mathematics Intervention
Part 2 Summary
Appendix: Cognitive-Demand-Level Task Analysis Guide



Part 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Part 1 Summary

Part 2

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Part 2 Summary




Chapter 1