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Every School, Every Team, Every Classroom

District Leadership for Growing Professional Learning Communities at Work™

The PLC journey begins by articulating a moral purpose: a dedication to ensuring that every student learns. Using many examples and reproducible tools, the authors explain the need to focus on creating simultaneous top-down and bottom-up leadership to align district- and school-level policies and procedures. Learn how to grow PLCs by providing direction and encouraging innovation at every level of the district.


  • Understand the real work that districts must do to ensure that every school implements PLC practices.
  • Explore how to build excitement and commitment to the PLC mission.
  • Build shared knowledge of PLC practices with school board members, principals, teams, individual teachers, and the broader community.
  • Gain strategies for district leaders to support and monitor the critical work of principals in creating collaborative teams.
  • Get strategies and tools to help teacher teams focus their collaborative work on student learning.

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Chapter 1: A New Way to Lead Schools
Chapter 2: Articulating a Moral Purpose
Chapter 3: Building Shared Knowledge
Chapter 4: Aligning Policies, Practices, and Procedures With the Learning Mission
Chapter 5: Leading Collaborative Teams
Chapter 6: Ensuring a Focus on Student Learning
Chapter 7: Ensuring Adult Learning
Chapter 8: Assessing District Progress