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Getting District Results

A Case Study in Implementing PLCs at Work™

Discover how the largest elementary school district in Illinois became a flourishing professional learning community. You’ll walk through each step of the PLC journey to learn how the district approached the most vital components of a successful PLC, such as building shared knowledge, forming collaborative teams, and setting priorities. Reduce your own trial and error by using their lessons learned as a road map toward long-lasting change.


  • Follow along closely as District 54 utilizes common formative assessment, establishes systematic intervention and enrichment, administers systemic change, considers effective practices, and more.
  • Read educators' firsthand accounts of the PLC process.
  • Find replicas of the decision-making and priority-setting documents District 54 used to find PLC success.

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Getting District Results

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Chapter 1: Building Shared Knowledge
Chapter 2: Defining Mission, Vision, Collective Commitments, and Goals
Chapter 3: Forming Collaborative Teams
Chapter 4: Clarifying Essential Learning Questions
Chapter 5: Utilizing Common Formative Assessment
Chapter 6: Establishing Systematic Intervention and Enrichment
Chapter 7: Sustaining the Process
Chapter 8: Administering Systemic Change
Chapter 9: Considering Effective Practices