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Best Practices at Tier 3, Elementary

An RTI model guide for implementing Tier 3 interventions in primary school classrooms

Meet the needs of students who have fallen the furthest behind. Created for elementary school educators, this guide details how to implement intensive interventions at Tier 3 of the RTI at Work™ process. Discover practices and strategies to intervene successfully when students struggle with core content, as well as with foundational skills from previous school years.


  • Study the critical elements of the RTI at Work™ process.
  • Understand the role of teams, specifically the leadership and intervention teams, in implementing Tier 3 interventions.
  • Learn how to collaboratively design and deliver instruction to students needing intensive intervention with a multitiered system of support (MTSS).
  • Examine the role of assessment at Tier 3 and discover strategies for using assessment data to monitor learning.
  • Acquire best practices for delivering intensive behavior interventions according to the RTI at Work process.

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Best Practices at Tier 3

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Chapter 1: The Power and Purpose of Tier 3 Intensive Interventions
Chapter 2: The Need for Collective Commitment and Responsibility
Chapter 3: Collaborative Team Structures at Tier 3
Chapter 4: Tier 3 Design to Ensure High Levels of Learning
Chapter 5: Convergent Assessment for Targeting at Tier 3
Chapter 6: Behavior Supports at Tier 3
Chapter 7: Academic Instruction at Tier 3
Chapter 8: Personalized Learning for Teams
Epilogue: Final Thoughts
Appendix: Resources and Tools


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

