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Pyramid Response to Intervention

RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn

Accessible language and compelling stories illustrate how RTI is most effective when built on the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process. Written by award-winning educators from successful PLC schools, this book demonstrates how to create three tiers of interventions—from basic to intensive—to address student learning gaps. You will understand what a successful program looks like, and the many reproducible forms and activities will help your team understand how to make RTI work in your school.


  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the three tiers of RTI: the core program, the supplemental level, and the intensive level.
  • Learn why RTI is most successful when built on the foundation of a PLC.
  • Discover the role of behavioral interventions and their effects.

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Pyramid Response to Intervention

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Chapter 1: What Is Pyramid Response to Intervention?
Chapter 2: The Facts About RTI
Chapter 3: RTI Models
Chapter 4: Laying the Foundation: A Professional Learning Community
Chapter 5: Learning CPR
Chapter 6: Tier 1: The Core Program
Chapter 7: Tier 2: The Supplemental Level
Chapter 8: Tier 3: The Intensive Level
Chapter 9: The Role of Behavioral Interventions
Chapter 10: Meeting Legal Requirements
Chapter 11: Putting It All Together
Epilogue: A Moral Responsibility


Chapter 2

Team Activity


Chapter 3

Team Activities

Chapter 4

Team Activities


Chapter 5

Team Activity

Chapter 6

Team Activity

Chapter 7

Team Activity


Chapter 8

Team Activity


Chapter 9

Team Activities


Chapter 10

Team Activity


Chapter 11

Team Activities