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Data-Driven Dialogue

A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry, Second Edition

In the second edition of Data-Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry, authors Bruce Wellman and Laura Lipton provide strategies that transform school culture through data-driven inquiry. By applying a three-phase model and a host of process tools to facilitate collaborative data analysis, K–12 school and district leaders can develop high-performing teams, promote effective problem solving, and orchestrate decisions that stay made.


  • Develop facilitative skills in orchestrating data-driven dialogue
  • Access the Collaborative Learning Cycle, an inquiry-driven model for structuring data-driven planning and problem solving
  • Learn how to create visually vibrant data displays
  • Explore tools for teams, along with information on application, variation, and extension
  • Utilize an appendix that includes a glossary of technical terms, a rubric for group assessment and goal setting, additional strategy
  • descriptions, examples of survey questions, and planning designs for meetings

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Data-Driven Dialogue

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Chapter 1: Change Is the Context—Why We Talk
Chapter 2: Facilitative Patterns—Crafting the Container
Chapter 3: A Model for Collaborative Inquiry
Chapter 4: Getting Smart About Data
Chapter 5: Tools for Teams
Chapter 6: Leading Systems—Structures and Capacities for Continuous School Improvement

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Chapter 5: Tools for Teams



  • Lipton, L., & Wellman, B. (2012). Got Data? Now What? Creating and leading cultures of inquiry. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.


Chapter 5