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Grant Writing for Educators

Practical Strategies for Teachers, Administrators, and Staff

This book provides educators with an abundant amount of information for dramatically improving their grant writing skills and for increasing their odds of receiving much-desired grant awards. The chapters are filled with expertise, encouragement, and solutions for educators who ask, “How can we get this done?” Readers will understand the ins and outs of locating, researching, and applying for corporate, foundation, and government grants. This easy-to-use book is a must-read for those who raise funds.


  • Recognize and find corporate, foundation, and government funders.
  • Write winning grant proposals following funder’s directions to a T.
  • Find more money for your school or corporation.

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Grant Writing for Educators

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Introduction: Becoming a Successful Grant Writer
Chapter 1: Getting Your Share Means Playing an Aggressive Game
Chapter 2: Identifying School Projects and Finding Award Money
Chapter 3: Learning the Lingo to Trump the Competition
Chapter 4: Is the Game Worth Playing?
Chapter 5: Getting Into the Grant Writing Game: Letters to Funders
Chapter 6: Winning Foundation Grant Proposals
Chapter 7: Exploring State Department of Education Grant Applications
Chapter 8: The Big Kahuna: Federal Department of Education Grant Applications
Appendix A: Grant Writing Tips A to Z
Appendix B: References and Additional Resources